About to go

Hello all,
I'm sorry I don't have a cute pic to post yet, but we are here in Okeechobee, Florida with Rick's dad and mom. Just finished my Odwalla bar for breakfast and we are about to head north to Canaveral for the ship. I won't have much internet time, but I will try to post when I can.

Rocky Mountain High

I am finally back home and within internet range! We left on Friday after my last day of school and embarked on our western adventure. Friday night we stayed in Kanapolis State Park in Salina, Kansas. The pic on the left is from that park. It is a real bat cave! How do I know? Because after I snapped the picture a bat flew out at me. We met up close and personal :) On Saturday, we woke up and travelled west to Colorado and the Golden Gate Canyon State Park. It was magnificent! I had the bright idea that I wanted to be one with nature so we found a primitive campground area where you had to hike 2 miles into the camp site. It was so gorgeous and secluded. I fully expected to see tons of wildlife and birds. Right after our dinner was ready, the gods opened up the sky and a deluge that continued all night began. Not only did it rain continuously, but the temps dipped close to freezing. The weather called for snow, but it didn't happen. Everything got wet and Rick was a little grouchy, so we packed it all up on Sunday morning and drove to his favorite campground...The Hampton Inn in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was cushy and plush and I guess we needed that. We did a lot of geocaching on the way also. Then we drove straight up through to Chadron, Nebraska. The pic on the left is the Jail house and Court House rock formation along the Oregon Trail. That was so awesome!
I did my interview for Chadron State College on Tuesday and I think it went well. We packed up and drove straight home because I missed my kitties.
i will try to post more pics later on.
love you all,

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all! Thank you for the beautiful flowers Beth. After the initial inspection, the cats have left them alone. A portion of the cost of the flowers was donated to the "rails to Trails" project which converts old railroad lines to cycling trails. Rick and I used the Tobacco Trail when we were in N.C. and it's a beautiful trail. I am planning on a quiet day as it is our 15th straight day of rain! Did I get transported to London? At least the lawn is emerald green.

Our new trail

Since we've had so much rain lately, we decided to take the bikes down the Oklahoma River Trail again. This time we covered almost the entire 13 miles of trail. It's really beautiful! This is part of the expansion and beautification of the city. We didn't realize until yesterday that the city has created two separate wetland areas within the trail system. I have a pic on the right of some adorable baby geese. The lawn is still too wet to mow, and the trails are too muddy to ride, so I guess I have to clean the house. (Yuck). I also found out that the Nike + is completely worthless on the bike. I would love to track those miles! Well, Rick is hungry, so I best wrap it up.

Cool Caches

It was yet another rainy day in Oklahoma and Rick is getting quite restless about getting out. So we decided to ride the Oklahoma River trail. It's a paved trail that runs along the banks of what used to be the North Canadian, but was re-named due to urban renewal. It's a very pretty trail, except we did get rained on. Rick found three caches, but by far was this one that was designed to look like a pile of doggie do. Guaranteed that mugglers won't touch it!