Neighborly Neighbors

After the ice storm on Thursday, we got a snow storm yesterday. Any where from 8 to 12 inches of the fluffy white stuff fell. We were able to keep our power and have plenty of yummy treats. I made dark chocolate brownies with pecans yesterday! What is it about the snow that makes me want to bake? This morning, some man we don't; even know, plowed out our driveway with his tractor! Oklahoma people really are friendly!
Hope you are all well,

Meet you at the bird feeder!

Yesterday we had an ice storm and now to top it off, SNOW!!! Get ready Mike and Beth, I heard this storm is barreling it's way east. Rick had to use a hammer to break the ice off the car and the bird have been going nonstop at the feeder. School has been cancelled for Thursday and Friday and Tinker Air Force Base closed yesterday at 10:00 A.M. and is closed today. I would rather have the "snow days" off in April when it's pretty and warm. Got to go search for jobs in the Bahamas....
Stay warm and safe,

The toothless tigers

In an earlier blog, I told about the harrowing experience of Leeloo losing her teeth. I brought her to the country vet and he did a dental on her and gave her anti-biotics. Said he didn't quite know what was wrong. A few weeks ago, I noticed that Thursday (on the right) is losing his teeth also. I opted not to take him to the vet who specializes in cows, goats, and pigs, but brought him to a small animal hospital. The vet there knew exactly what it was and after a series of costly blood tests determined that they have a chromosomal disorder in which there bodies can not fight off allergies. The high allergens in their blood produce more gingivitis and tooth loss. What are they allergic to? FLEAS! Although they do not go outside, even indoor cats get fleas as humans carry them into the house on their clothing. Once in the nice warm home, with carpeting and furniture, the fleas set up a tight little colony. The treatment is steroids and fleas prevention. Leeloo will go in on Monday for her steroid shot. The vet said that they may end up losing all of their teeth, but even toothless cats are able to eat and thrive. As you can see from their pics, they are not emaciated at all!
Have a great weekend,

Home from the Panhandle!

We are home after a magnificent weekend get-away! As you can see from the eclectic assortment of pictures, we did everything from feast on decadent Italian cuisine, to miles of mountain biking through the canyon, to a hockey game in downtown Amarillo. To my soul sister across the Atlantic, I have been reading much of Cather. It seemed appropriate as we were going through the plains, although this was Texas and not Nebraska! I especially enjoy "The Song of the Lark".
I really needed the solace and peace that we found in the canyons. On Saturday, we did a bike trail called, The Lighthouse Loop". Yes, Katie, there is a lighthouse! But it is a beautiful rock formation. Then on Sunday we did 10 miles down to the canyon bottom between the canyon bottom and the river. My knee doesn't even hurt that much. The biggest problem was the lack of adequate internet at the hotel where we stayed in Amarillo. I guess we need to get one of those air cards, or a Blackberry.
Hope you are all well,

Amarillo...and it's morning!

In early December, I had purchased plane tickets to go to Rochester over this holiday weekend to see my mom. She was supposed to be home from the rehab center during the first week of January. As you all know, Fate destined that was not to be the case. Since I have been depressed, Rick decided we should get out of town and go on a mountain biking/hiking adventure. We are in Amarillo, Texas, just a few miles from the Palo Duro Canyon State Park. The weather is supposed to be a lovely 60 degrees by this afternoon. I will post pictures later this evening. I am taking the little Kodak camera, that my beautiful oldest bought me, on the trail.
-On another note, it occurred to me about 3 A.M. this morning that my mother died on a Blue Moon. I recall hearing a news broadcast that a Blue Moon is named for the second full moon of the month, but a Dec. 31st Blue Moon is quite unusual and will not happen again until 2028. I haven't been sleeping well....
love you all

Happy 20th Birthday, Katie!!!

On a much happier note to this blog, my daughter, Mercedes Katherine, is 20 years old today!!! All of her OSSM friends are in frigid Chicago to celebrate with her too. I love you, Kate! Stay warm, love mommy

The beginning of a horse lover

If I am reading the back of the pic correctly, this was taken in July of 1990. That means Beth is 10 years old and A.J. is 6. I guess Mom didn't know this would be the beginning of a horse-crazy Bethy!
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Nothing left but crying

We arrived in Rochester in a blizzard and we left a week later in a blizzard. It is Tuesday, January 5th and I am finally back home, where it is cold, but not as much snow as in New York. My odyssey home yesterday was tiring, lonely and frustrating, but I want to thank you all for your support, love, and financial help at this turning point in my life. Dad and Gail, thank you for getting me to Rochester, Tom thank you for getting the car so I could get around and take care of matters and especially for the lovely Italian dinner at La Bella Sicilia. I will have to make Spaghetti Parmesan at home now! But most of all, thank you Beth for also being in New York with me at Gammie's passing. I would have been all alone without you and would not have been enough to withstand the pain, guilt, and loneliness. I love you.


Mary Joan Baart - February 12, 1935- December 31, 2009.
I will always love you and carry you in my heart.
Night and love, mom