Say it ain't so!

AJ and Allyson are moving out...what? Yes, into their own apartment. Do these babies think they are all grown up or what?

I will get an address to all who are interested. By the way...they are taking Rick's cat. I don't know what he is going to do without his Mayn-man!

Falco's Pizza

We just had the best pizza I have ever had in my life!!! It did take us 12 hours to get to the La Quinta outside of Chicago. We are tired but glad to be here. There was a lot of construction just as we were getting into the city and that was yucky. At least there wasn't any rain.

There are two other girls that are going to U Chicago from OSSM and can you believe this? Sara and her mom are staying at the exact same hotel as us...5 rooms down the hall! She is over here talking to Katie right now. I am so glad that she has good friends here already and it's not such a scary experience.

Hope you are all good. We are going to be at the dorm at 8:00 A.M. to check her in.


Mayn - Man the magnificent!

Here are some pictures of Maynard. He is really a cutie-petutie!

I have a busier than normal week. Monday afternoon, I am going to OKC to interview #9 for my dissertation. Tuesday is parent/teacher conference. Wednesday is teaching at OSU, and Thursday is Parent/Teacher conference again. Then Aj, Katie, and I are going to Chicago on Friday morning. Rick got us a hotel room for Friday night. Google says it will take 12 hours to get there. We will get Kate checked into the dorm on Saturday, do some sight seeing and shopping. Breakfast on Sunday morning and then AJ and I will head back...Say a prayer!

Tomorrow Comes a Day too Soon

Hi all,

I know that it has been forever since I have posted, but I have been over my head in work. I knew this would be a hectic semester, but I had no idea that I would be stretched so thin. I really enjoy teaching the class at OSU. I so hope that I can get out of public high school teaching and expand to do this full time. I am also taking a class on the history of women in education and while it is interesting and most of the content is new, there is also a lot of reading and writing to accomplish.

Along with that, I am conducting interviews and then trying to squeeze in time to transcribe them. I checked out a transcription machine from the library and it is much faster than the one I was using, but still time consuming work!

Katie only has two more weeks here at home and then is off to Chicago. I am going to miss her. Along with that, AJ is looking for an apartment. I's 20 years too early, but what can I do?

I will be leaving on September 19th to drive Kate up to the Windy City and I will return on the 21st. I think AJ is going with me. If not, Rick will help us out. That week will be messy also because I have parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday and Thursday evening. Then Wednesday at OSU for my class.

I guess I can rest during Christmas!

How are things with Beth and Mike? Are you guys getting hit by Hanna? I think I remember you saying that there was a drought, so the rain will be good for you.

I love you all, mommy