I did it!!! I really can't believe that I was able to do the entire half marathon (13.1 miles). My strategy was just to not think about it and DO IT. I guess it worked. Tammy did it too, but finished about 45 minutes before me. Right now, it doesn't appear that I've suffered any major injury. The only ikky is a blood blister on the bottom of my left foot. I don't think I had the shoe tied tight enough and my foot was slipping around a bit. Other than that, I feel good. It was really a terrific race with just me, Tams, and about 19,000 others running through the streets of OKC. This race is run in memory of those who died in the OKC bombing and this is the 9th annual running. I think I will do it again next year. The people were super friendly, lots of snacks and most importantly, abundant porta-potties! I took the picture of the fu dogs when we went through the Asian section of town. Yes Katie, right by Cao Nguyen's!
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