Who in their right mind would get up at 0'dark thirty on a Saturday morning to ride a bike in a very cold Oklahoma wind???? Me...Rick...and about 500 other brave souls. This is the first leg of the Red Bud races this weekend. Man, I was debating the 33 or the 52 miler, but I didn't want to humiliate the others so I stuck to the 10 :) Tomorrow, Rick is doing the 5k and Tammy and I are doing the 10k. Tam's signed up for the OKC half and she fully expects this to be a pre-race trial tomorrow. (I won't disillusion her yet).
Rick is enthralling the folks at the Pottawatomie County Democratic Convention now and I get to scoop kitty litter and scrub out the toilets. My life is a roller coaster of fun!
Hope you are all well,
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