-Update... I will defend my dissertation on Sept. 28th. I am profoundly frightened of this, but immediately, I have to finish editing the draft. I should be done on Sunday.
-Katie is back home and doing well, but the specialist told her that there is too much damage and she will need a cornea transplant. I think this will happen within a few months. She starts school on the 29th.
-Rick and I have been bicycling quite a bit and A.J. has even joined us for a ride or two.
-On a more somber note...my mom was rushed to the hospital on Saturday because she was paralyzed on her left side. My sister thought she had a stroke. Testing showed she did not have a stroke, but she is still unable to walk. She is lucid and getting stronger every day. Last night she was moved to a nursing home for rehabilitation. I think the source of the problem is her inability to take her medication regularly and her diabetes got the best of her. She will be getting good care at the nursing home. Keep her in your prayers.
I hope you are all well. We have a rainy weekend in store.
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