Pretty Fall Day...before the freeze!

This is the last pretty day for a while. A cold front is coming through tonight and it might even snow tomorrow. Temps were in the mid-60's today, so Rick and I went out mountain biking. It was really great and I didn't even hurt my knee that bad.
Good news for Christmas...I just got a plane ticket for A.J. and he will be flying out to Beth's on Christmas Eve so we can all be together for Christmas! He has never seen Beth's house, so this will be nice to have the whole family together.
Hope you are all well,

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope all of the followers of this blog are in good health, have plenty of good food, and are surrounded by those who love you (and your cats!). Since there are no children at our home any longer, Rick and I opted to come to Wichita,, Kansas. His son, Jonathon is here visiting also, so it was a good meeting place. Rick and Jon went out bowling last night while I finished up an article I am working on.
My knee is better with the Naproxen and I had an MRI yesterday, so I will find out next week what the damage is on the thing. I really don't think it is anything horrid. Hopefully, just a little therapy or something.
I will be finalizing everything for my doctorate on Monday the 30th and then the hooding ceremony on Dec. 11th. Donna, you should go to your ceremony! You worked hard for it. We are going to get a video camera and I will post the clip.
Have a very wonderful day and enjoy your Tofurky,
love, mommy

New Ortho lady!

I went to the ortho today and I love her!!! What a true test of a quality doctor when they know that your birthday on Oct. 20th is on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio? I had X-Rays done and then saw her. She did all the bendy, poky, things to my knee and she heard how it pops (and HURTS) when I bend it. She said that the X-ray is perfect and the bones look great so it must be something with the meniscus or perhaps a piece of cartilage is catching on something. So I go next week for an MRI and then see her again on Dec. 9th. She recommended no walking, running, or biking if it hurts, but to start swimming again. I have to do something to keep the weight off because the more weight I gain, the worse it is for the knee....jeez.
Hope you are all well,

Not such a bad week after all

The antibiotics are finally working on my sinus infection and a week off from running has helped. I went bicycling a little this week and it didn't hurt my knee too bad. Then tonight, I decided to try a walk at the airport. It was such a lovely day that I needed to get out. All in all, my knee doesn't hurt too much. I'm going to keep babying it though. I finished the edits on Chapter 4 and all I have is 5 to go. Then I should be able to file it with the grad college. I hope it goes well because I bought my velvet tam for graduation. Hope you are all well, love mommy

Repressing the Daylight

-Today we turn back our clocks an hour for Standard Time. Yes, we get an extra hour of sleep, but it's 6:00 P.M. and pitch dark outside. When I am able to get back on the bike, it will have to be right after school.
-In keeping with this darkness, I have had a rather heartbreaking month, of sorts. My mom, who had a stroke in September, is in a rehab/nursing home to recover. She is slowly making progress, but her mind still fights for moments of lucidity. As of today, she does not remember the stroke and thinks that I concocted a scheme to have her put in a nursing home and taken away from my sister. This is so horrific for me, because no matter what I say, she believes what she thinks is the truth.
-So for my children, I am feeling so far away from all of you. I know you are strong, independent, and wonderful and I am proud of you all. However, as life marches inexorably onward, I hope you remember one thing from me: I love you all so much. I hope this video always reminds you of how much you all mean to me.
love mom