Good New Years' Eve to you all. Today is also the third wedding anniversary of my beautiful daughter Mary, and my favorite son-in-law, Mike. The picture to the left is the Interfaith Chapel here at Strong Hospital. It's not such a great pic, but the words are the 23rd Psalm inlaid in tile. It's a beautiful, peaceful area.
Update on my mom- last night was quite disconcerting. She has been yelling out for help and moving her arm around. It seems to be an issue that she can not relax more than one of pain. We now have her on anxiety meds and pain medication every hour. Unfortunately, that also means she has fewer moments of lucidity. It seems the nights are the worse for her. During one moment when she was aware of us here she called Beth closer to her and just stared at her. Beth asked her "What are you looking at, Gammie?" She replied. "You". Beth said "Me? Why?" and mom answered, "Because you are so beautiful!" There was also a moment last night when she pulled Beth close to her, kissed her cheek and said "Good-Bye". This is such a difficult time, and I want to thank all of you for you help, you good thoughts, and your prayers. Thank you Dad and Gail and thank you Tom.
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