Where has the month of November gone? Nana always warned me that time goes by so quickly when you are older and she was not exaggerating! Much has happened since I last posted. Amber came home from Japan on November 5th! She has been stationed at Misawa A.F.B. for the past 2 years and she is home for a little holiday before reporting to her new duty station in New Mexico.
I drove home to OKC to pick her up from the airport last weekend, and then this weekend, Rick and her came here to Wichita. A mandatory visit to the zoo was in order! Cold rain and bitter winds did not dampen our spirits! Some of the animals were off exhibit for the winter, but there is so much to see that we had a great time. As always, the Jungle is my favorite place to visit, made all the more exciting as we entered just in time for feeding. Evidently, macaws like to bully fruit bats and they were flying energetically above our heads. Amber also got to see the one month old baby lion that is still in his nursery, but there is a remote camera coverage of him and mommy. The lion she is sitting in front of in the pic is about two years old.
Next weekend, I will go down to Oklahoma and prepare for the Thanksgiving break. Inconceivable! Amber will be leaving soon after Thanksgiving to drive out to her new base, hopefully, in her new car.
I hope you are all well, love,
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