New Orleans!

We are here in New Orleans and I am certainly glad that Mardi Gras is over because there are still a lot of people here! We went to Cafe Du Monde for breakfast and I spotted Mario Batali! He walked right by our table.

We did find two caches. One in front of Harrah's and one in from of K-Pauls' restaurant. We are going out later to look for more. I will post more pics tomorrow.



Happy Birthday, Dad!!!

February is a busy month for birthdays...and Dad's turn is today! Hope you had a wonderful time on the cruise and have a fantastic day!

Donna and Rick

P.S. Rick forgot to put the card IN the box when he packed it up, so I taped it to the top.

Don't try this at home!

After a gruelling 5 mile run through the freezing hill country of Edmond yesterday, I thought, how much more torture can my old body tolerate???? Hmmm.... evidently, quite a bit! If it is true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, than I am freaking Xena! Rick and I got up at O'dark thirty and drove north to Stillwater to join in the Chili Day Challenge at Lake McMurtry. As you can see from the pic on the left, it was a gorgeous, picture perfect trail. As you can see from the pic on the right, it was also a heart breaking, knee wrenching, heart shredding killer of a trail. Oh yes, and the temps were about 30 degrees when we started. I am so glad i don't have to go to school tomorrow because I think I would need a hover-round!
Hope you are all well,

VERY Frigid Five!!!

i had the bright idea that it would be good to run a race on Valentine's Day. So I asked Tammy if she wanted to do the Edmond Frigid Five race. It's 5 miles through an "Urban Forest". Unfortunately, the race lived up to it's name and it was 28 degrees at the start of the race. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it, but I did it in 1 hour and 10 minutes. My Nike + was freaking out though. I couldn't shut it off so it kept totally the time.

Any way...Happy Valentine's Day to every one.


Ah ha!

I did my regular workout this morning on the treadmill, and when I was finished, the Nike + told me I had gone 2 1/2 miles when I KNOW I went 3. So the problem isn't with me being slow, there is a problem with the Nike +. i went on line and a lot of people have this error with the gizzer. But, I didn't know you had to calibrate it with both running and walking. So I did that. Hopefully, that will fix the problem.

I had to go upstairs and dig out all my old fat clothes because I couldn't wear anything. I just can't seem to lose any weight.

Any way.... hope you all are well,


It was a beautiful day today. I think it got to 75 degrees, so I went to the airport to walk the track. I found out that there is a little problem with the Nike +. I can't keep close track of my pace. So I guess I have to wear the Garmin also. How geeky is that???

Today is my sister Debbie's Birthday. I did call her and wish her the best.

Rick is working diligently on the re-vamp of the living room. It's going to be a while before it comes together and I am trying to be patient :0) You know how hard it is for me to live with disorder!

I went over to A.J.'s for a care package to my grand kittens and I can't believe how big Desmond is getting! He is hardly a kitten any more. Maynard is becoming quite a handsome man. Sorry I don't have an updated photo of ManMan, but I'll get one.
Love you all,

Tiger Woods said...

... told me "Congratulations!" on the iPod! I don't know how I ever went running without this thing. I decided that with the 5 mile Frigid Five race in two weeks, it would be a good idea to do a workout in the great outdoors. I used to think that people shouldn't wear MP3 players because you can't appreciate all the sounds of nature. I know how amazing do a workout to music can be. it really kept me on pace and kept me motivated. I was able to do 4 miles on 52 minutes. I really want to do the 5 miles in an hour, so I am close. Beth, I did do a walk/run type thing. My knees are a little sore, but not too much.
It is warmer today, but there is a sharp, cold wind. At least most of the snow is melting.
Hope you are all well,