After a gruelling 5 mile run through the freezing hill country of Edmond yesterday, I thought, how much more torture can my old body tolerate???? Hmmm.... evidently, quite a bit! If it is true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, than I am freaking Xena! Rick and I got up at O'dark thirty and drove north to Stillwater to join in the Chili Day Challenge at Lake McMurtry. As you can see from the pic on the left, it was a gorgeous, picture perfect trail. As you can see from the pic on the right, it was also a heart breaking, knee wrenching, heart shredding killer of a trail. Oh yes, and the temps were about 30 degrees when we started. I am so glad i don't have to go to school tomorrow because I think I would need a hover-round!
Hope you are all well,
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