Not too much going on in my life, just getting more and more excited for the upcoming move to Wichita. We are going to look at the apartment next week, and hopefully be in by July 1st. That way I have a slow, easy month to get the home stead in order before I report to work and get ready for classes. OSU should be approving my research proposal so i will begin interviewing for a new project that I am working on. Transcribing interviews and writing presentations will keep me busy for the Fall! My first conference is in OKC at the end of September, so I will need to get that ready.
Meanwhile, it is HOT!!!! Summer descended with a vengeance in the Midwest. The heat indices are well into the triple digits making it difficult for me to get out on the bike. Unless I get up at o'dark thirty to ride, that is! Ah, I should make the commitment and drop a little weight. Then I will have more clothes that fit for my new job.
Hope you all are well, and Happy Father's Day!
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