For those of you who do not read my facebook wall, I have been posting a picture a day of my oldest daughter, Mary Elizabeth, in honor of her 30th birthday. Today's picture was a look back at a very dark, but very hopeful time in our lives. I will re-post it here.
When Mary Beth was 11 years old, she caught a staff infection which developed into pneumonia. Her lungs collapsed and she was in the hospital for a month. I thought I was going to lose her. One night when she was at her worst, I was keeping vigil in her hospital room, watching her sleep and wondering if she was going to make it. All of the sudden, she said, "Thank you!" I asked her who she was talking to and she said, "That pretty blonde nurse. She said I was going to be alright. Then she smiled at me and left. Didn't you see her? She walked right by you". There had been no one in the room. We are convinced she saw an angel because the next day she started to get better. her health improved rapidly and she was able to go home by the end of the week. This picture is taken after she left the hospital. I bought her the black cat so she would have her "Leslie" in the hospital with her.
I have shared this story so we can all remember that no matter how busy we are, take time to look for angels.
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