Last week of the summer

I know I haven't been very sharp about posting my schedule. This week is going to be fairly hectic.
Rick is at Tinker today working overtime and I am being lazy. Tomorrow we are both going to be lazy.
Monday is a definite clean this yucky house day. Tuesday, I am going to Tecumseh in the morning and then meeting my writing group in MidWest City at Rose State Library at 2:00 P.M. That should last an hour or so. I'll stop at Panera on the way home, Darby.
Wednesday, 7/30, I am paying bills, scooping litter and getting ready for San Antonio. I am also mailing Beth's giant birthday present.
Thursday morning, we are leaving for San Antonio. Rick's dad will leave Florida on Monday to meet up with us.
Amber graduates from boot camp on Friday. We will spend Friday and all day Saturday with her. Then we will leave for home Sunday (August 3rd) morning.

That takes care of the last week of summer.