Amarillo...and it's morning!

In early December, I had purchased plane tickets to go to Rochester over this holiday weekend to see my mom. She was supposed to be home from the rehab center during the first week of January. As you all know, Fate destined that was not to be the case. Since I have been depressed, Rick decided we should get out of town and go on a mountain biking/hiking adventure. We are in Amarillo, Texas, just a few miles from the Palo Duro Canyon State Park. The weather is supposed to be a lovely 60 degrees by this afternoon. I will post pictures later this evening. I am taking the little Kodak camera, that my beautiful oldest bought me, on the trail.
-On another note, it occurred to me about 3 A.M. this morning that my mother died on a Blue Moon. I recall hearing a news broadcast that a Blue Moon is named for the second full moon of the month, but a Dec. 31st Blue Moon is quite unusual and will not happen again until 2028. I haven't been sleeping well....
love you all