We arrived in Rochester in a blizzard and we left a week later in a blizzard. It is Tuesday, January 5th and I am finally back home, where it is cold, but not as much snow as in New York. My odyssey home yesterday was tiring, lonely and frustrating, but I want to thank you all for your support, love, and financial help at this turning point in my life. Dad and Gail, thank you for getting me to Rochester, Tom thank you for getting the car so I could get around and take care of matters and especially for the lovely Italian dinner at La Bella Sicilia. I will have to make Spaghetti Parmesan at home now! But most of all, thank you Beth for also being in New York with me at Gammie's passing. I would have been all alone without you and would not have been enough to withstand the pain, guilt, and loneliness. I love you.
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