In an earlier blog, I told about the harrowing experience of Leeloo losing her teeth. I brought her to the country vet and he did a dental on her and gave her anti-biotics. Said he didn't quite know what was wrong. A few weeks ago, I noticed that Thursday (on the right) is losing his teeth also. I opted not to take him to the vet who specializes in cows, goats, and pigs, but brought him to a small animal hospital. The vet there knew exactly what it was and after a series of costly blood tests determined that they have a chromosomal disorder in which there bodies can not fight off allergies. The high allergens in their blood produce more gingivitis and tooth loss. What are they allergic to? FLEAS! Although they do not go outside, even indoor cats get fleas as humans carry them into the house on their clothing. Once in the nice warm home, with carpeting and furniture, the fleas set up a tight little colony. The treatment is steroids and fleas prevention. Leeloo will go in on Monday for her steroid shot. The vet said that they may end up losing all of their teeth, but even toothless cats are able to eat and thrive. As you can see from their pics, they are not emaciated at all!
Have a great weekend,
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