Did you say...left at Hogshooter Creek???

We spent this very chilly, overcast day out on the road caching!

First, we checked on the ones that we had hidden. We have two in different cemeteries. Hey, even the dead like to see a new face every once in a while! You can learn some interesting things reading headstones, too.

We went into Chandler and points beyond to find a total of 9 caches. And 2 of them were First to Finds. The steps are the 148 steps that lead from the main street in Chandler to the high school. It's an historic place and has recently been renovated by the Boys Scouts of America. The cache was in that tree on the right of the pic.

The most interesting hide was the one in the buffalo's arse. Oh yes...you read correctly. This is in front of the "Welcome to Chandler" sign. Only in Oklahoma...:)