Rick and I had such a busy weekend, but it all turned out well. I think the part I liked the best was the meeting of the Central Oklahoma Geo-Cachers. They were so friendly and Rick got a lot of good ideas. They even brought travel bugs for people to "find" while they were there.
The stuff at the Elks WASN'T fun, but since Rick is the President, it was necessary. I am very proud of my husband too. He got to see first hand and through sober eyes how ridiculous and even embarrassing some of his peers were after they had been drinking. He remained sober even though there was alcohol all around. It helped that we didn't spend the night there.
I was a total hog though, because I was bored and frustrated about being there, all I did was snack. I hope I didn't do too much damage to the weight progress. I did go to Target and bought a Yoga DVD and two relaxation CD's. More so than weight loss, I have been diligently trying to de-stress my life. I can tell even when I am driving that I have a lot more stress than I thought, so i am trying to be conscientious about that. I think Rick and I are going to take the bikes out to Draper today after the Giants kick the snot out of the Eagles.
Katie...are you staying warm? I saw all the pictures of Chicago...BBBBRRRRR!!!!
Love you all,
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